Case Study 7: In-China support for a training firm

Ideally, you really need your own PA in China

Our client wanted to leverage their skills in logistics by running some training sessions in China. There were so many things to do that they weren't sure where to start. They might have hired their own staff or perhaps taken on a partner but what risks could they face?


Setting up the Network

ManageChina helped them to not only run their programs but to keep ownership of them. From making their brochures and other marketing material through to running an RSVP service or staffing the help desk at the venue - ManageChina was there from start to finish. Things didn't stop there either. There is always the wrap up after any of these events -mail outs and thank you's. ManageChina managed the lot. Did we mention the client did most of this from the comfort of Australia while their own staff, via a virtual office (complete with phone number and local address), liaised directly with their clients?


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