Customer Service Admin

Sometimes you need a virtual presence in China - either via an office or an admin assistant or both
Sometimes you need more than this and it calls for real time support on the ground.

Virtual Assistant

Your own Virtual Assistant in China

Some projects last a month, some a week and some only a few hours. Whatever the case, you may not necessarily want to hire someone permanently.

Having a personal assistant with the right range of experience is important. So too sometimes is being able to employee them on a casual basis.


Whether you are based in China or abroad

Some of our clients are SME's based in China who need an assistant on a strictly project basis.


Some are based abroad and need assistance when they touch down in China briefly.


Some of our clients never come to China and need someone to work on the project 'remote control'


For more information on this type of product or any other:

China Business Case Study

Hollywood comes to Shanghai
So many things to organise on a film shoot - our client started with hiring a ManageChina PA to assist

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